
Behavior Management System Overview

The behavior management system at Hopper Center uses a continuum of positive reinforcement and consequences for inappropriate behavior to facilitate the development of self-control within the students. The progression of positive reinforcement ranges from immediate and tangible to more delayed gratification. Consequences for inappropriate behavior are to be consistent and sequential from in the room to out of the room.

The use of a behavior management system acknowledges that students must learn to stop inappropriate, anti-social behaviors. The students must have in their repertoire pro-social skills to replace these behaviors. Therefore, Hopper has adopted to use a structured learning intervention which is designed to teach the skill-deficient child pro-social alternative behaviors.

Within the use of this behavior management system and the structured learning intervention, our ultimate goal is to prepare these students for successful academic and behavioral integration into the regular school environment. Many behavior management programs have been utilized and adapted to increase the student's ability to self-direct and self-evaluate their performance. The success of any of these programs depends largely on the consistency with which it is implemented.

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